Cyberwatch, A Major Asset for Strengthening Your Cybersecurity
Mar 11, 2024
In any system, security flaws of varying degrees provide attackers with easy access, enabling them to steal or modify data, or send out malware such as ransomware. Vulnerability management is therefore of paramount importance, especially when it comes to protecting critical applications such as SAP. The Cyberwatch tool has been designed to enhance the security of your systems by facilitating vulnerability management.
Thanks to this this product, oXya helps you put in place a better strategy to remediate vulnerabilities. Read on to learn more about this tool and the cybersecurity benefits it brings you.
Vulnerability Management: What Are the Challenges?
Vulnerability management is a continuous process that involves:
- Detecting and identifying vulnerabilities;
- Identifying the parts of the system that could be attacked;
- Determining the actions to be taken to correct vulnerabilities;
- Planning corrections.
Because IT infrastructures such as SAP environments are complex, identifying flaws and the systems affected are the main challenges in vulnerability management. In fact, SAP is a suite of several SAP products and different types of operating systems and databases, thus multiplying the possible sources of vulnerability.
Of course, ineffective management increases the risk of access to your SAP data; hacking can include reading your sensitive data, as well as modifying or deleting it. With a tool like Cyberwatch, we are able to make vulnerability management more effective in order to significantly limit these risks.
Cyberwatch Tool: A Simplified Management
The Cyberwatch product comes from the French company bearing the same name, which specializes in cybersecurity management and offers a dedicated cybersecurity platform. A portion more specifically designed for SAP systems has been developed in partnership with oXya.
In a few words, Cyberwatch scans the various assets (server, network equipment, SAP applications) and compiles the various vulnerabilities identified in a centralized dashboard. Cyberwatch will also automatically classify these vulnerabilities by criticality and indicate the actions required to remedy them.
As for oXya, our admin teams now have access to a centralized information dashboard that clearly and quickly displays the vulnerabilities present in each of their oXya Managed Services customers.
Critical Time Savings
Speed and proactivity are crucial to protecting your sensitive data. Every day, many companies are affected by some form of cyber-attack (a very strong increase since the COVID-19 pandemic), particularly with the rise of teleworking and the growing complexity of attacks.
Prior to using Cyberwatch, vulnerability management was carried out manually, which was more time-consuming. In fact, identifying vulnerabilities required searching for information not only on SAP, but also in all the sub-layers that form the IT infrastructure. This means a great deal of work in retrieving and contextualizing information, and assessing the severity of vulnerabilities is part of the job. Generally, analyses could be carried out on a quarterly basis.
With Cyberwatch… you move from manual to automated management! Analysis work is not only simplified, it’s accelerated. We can present you with a vulnerability analysis once a month, or even more frequently if required.
Switching from a quarterly to a monthly analysis gives you a head start, and protects you more effectively.
A Valuable Aid to Your Patching Efforts
Today, the tool is part of our experts’ daily routine. The SAP module designed in collaboration with Cyberwatch allows us to access much faster information on vulnerabilities.
As we mentioned earlier, vulnerability management requires not only identifying vulnerabilities, but also contextualizing them:
- The Cyberwatch tool responds to this complexity by offering a centralized dashboard.
- Not all vulnerabilities are the same: they are evaluated with a CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score ranging from 0 to 10, depending on severity.
- Using Cyberwatch’s visual tool, which takes the form of colored indices (from green to dark red), we can advise you on what action to take quickly.
By using Cyberwatch, we can show you the risks in even greater detail. This enables you to prioritize a maintenance window for applying patches based on the information provided. In this way, we facilitate decision-making with clear information, making the security patching process even more efficient.
Within oXya Managed Services, this is now a key tool for establishing a vulnerability remediation strategy in collaboration with our customers. We help you to:
- Quickly identify vulnerabilities
- Prioritize the most exploitable vulnerabilities
- Make informed decisions about your cybersecurity
- Ensure ongoing, more regular monitoring
Consequently, our teams work proactively in collaboration with our customers to swiftly remediate vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of cyber-attacks. We prioritize clear communication so that you can make informed decisions. In addition, the SAP module has been deployed to integrate with our security tools and standards.
With oXya, you benefit from the best practices on the market: your cybersecurity is in safe hands. Contact us here to find out more about our security initiatives!
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