oXya provides the support you need alongside RISE with SAP
As a Global SAP Partner and a managed cloud services provider with over 25 years of experience in running SAP systems, including on S/4HANA and public cloud, oXya is the technical partner you need to take full advantage of RISE with SAP.
oXya can help you assess the RISE with SAP services and guide you through your journey to choose the solution that best suits your requirements.
oXya will plan and manage the technical migration of your systems and assist your organization in implementing RISE with SAP.
oXya will help you navigate SAP support seamlessly and will facilitate your interactions with SAP to get the most out of RISE with SAP.

oXya & RISE with SAP
oXya complements RISE with SAP by acting as the liaison between you and the SAP support team (Customer Success Coordination). We translate your business needs into technical service requests to SAP to ensure that running your SAP systems with RISE with SAP remains simple, seamless, and efficient. Beyond this key coordination role, oXya provides the following services to complement RISE with SAP - Technical Migration, SAP Operation Basis, SAP Application Monitoring, Additional tools and Governance.